The International State: A Global Virtual State of Freedom 2024

Welcome to The International State (TWS), the premier global decentralized State where all processes are driven by smart contracts. The State is governed by principles of equality, transparency, and direct democracy.

Citizens have equal rights to found parties, champion new ideas, become leaders, campaign for new laws, raise funds for environmental, social, and humanitarian causes, and much more.

Without forms and red tape, The International State provides a new type of government where all processes are recorded on the blockchain to ensure fairness and genuine change.

The International State provides a framework for the open distribution of public funds, which citizens can claim for their projects. Successful fundraising campaigns will receive funding for real-world projects that can make a meaningful difference.

Regardless of the cause, social or environmental, large or small, any idea that aims to improve the world is welcome. Anyone whose idea receives the support of citizens can get funding.

Those striving to lead from the front also have a place in The International State. Any citizen can find a party, gain support from its members, become a party leader, and set party agendas.

Electorate can also rise through the TWS ranks and represent the State in the real world as its President. Influence both internal and external discussions by becoming an active citizen.

The International State: A Global Virtual State of Freedom 2024

Advent to TWS charter

At the heart of The International State is the TWS Charter. A fast-changing world demands a new form of government capable of addressing technological advances and evolving priorities of the population.

The TWS Charter defines this new government and has been written to resolve these urgent issues and uphold TWS governing principles. It outlines how TWS operates, its initial Rules and Acts, the process for passing new ones, as well as enacting Legislative Projects, Bills, founding new parties, and becoming President.

It also ensures that TWS is limited by neither physical borders nor time constraints. All citizens are intrinsically connected and must share equal rights.

Actual direct democracy

Guided by the principles of direct democracy, TWS citizens can create parties, draw up agendas, push through essential Acts, participate in decision-making, and advocate and raise funds for causes that matter.

Citizens can also elect thought leaders and pioneers as TWS President to represent the State, or run for president themselves.

A fair voting process has been developed to maintain complete transparency and ensure that all citizens have an equal say. Part of this process, in compliance with the TWS Charter, includes the Executive team ensuring the proper implementation of any approved Acts and the distribution of Treasury funds.

Only TWS citizens have the absolute right to vote, submit proposals for voting, and decide how Treasury funds are to be spent.

TWS citizenship &passport eligibility

The most powerful passport in the world, the TWS Passport, is the key to unlocking the full potential of the platform.

Passports can be minted with W$C, and owning one entitles the holder to full access to the opportunities provided by TWS: raising funds for causes close to your heart, advocating for policies, creating and voting on Legislative Projects, becoming a party representative, and running for President. All of this is possible thanks to the TWS Passport within a supportive environment.

Gone are the days of bureaucracy and hidden agendas. The International State is free from prejudice, a place where your voice truly means something. A TWS Passport is the key to accessing all these possibilities.

Being a citizen of TWS isn’t just about being part of a community; it’s also about showing who you are. The TWS Passport carries your identity and tells people what you believe in and what you stand for.

Special NFT Avatar collections, available exclusively in the TWS Marketplace, allow you to showcase your personality. Each collection is limited to 10,000, with exceptions for The Human collection, featuring unique avatars, each with a set of quirky traits.

Incomes PowerPoints thru citizen participation

Become an active citizen and earn PowerPoints, the TWS internal rewards. By participating in activities such as voting in elections, joining parties, and putting forward legislative projects, citizens will earn PowerPoints.

The more active you are, the more PowerPoints you will earn. The more PowerPoints you earn, the more perks you can enjoy, including actions that only PowerPoint holders can perform.

Rewards are distributed by the treasury, when approved by an Act, proportionally to citizens based on the number of PowerPoints they have.

The W$C token

The local currency of the TWS ecosystem, W$C, is a deflationary token operating on the Polygon blockchain. Operating on Polygon allows for low transaction fees and improves accessibility.

W$C’s primary use case is as a utility token. For instance, it can be used to mint TWS Passports, push through legislation, and assume the Presidential office. As part of the coin’s deflationary mechanics, a percentage of W$C is burned monthly.

TWS legislative procedure

TWS aims to unite people across the globe and give everyone a voice. A crucial part of this mission is the development of its NFT-based legislative process.

In TWS, anyone can propose changes to existing laws or create new policies. This is done by minting an NFT Legislative Initiative (LI). Each LI is then voted on by citizens and, if approved, will be implemented via smart contracts.

The Executive team only has the authority to enforce laws, not to alter, edit, or favor them. This is because all processes within the State are driven by smart contracts.

Climb birthday party ranks &turn into president

Any TWS voter can nominate themselves for President, with each term lasting one month. Participate in the influential presidential election by voting in the primaries and subsequent rounds.

The President’s primary role is to represent the TWS community’s values in the real world.

TWS encourages its citizens to build a better world where equality and freedom are upheld. A community must work together to bring about genuine change, and TWS is the ideal platform for this to happen.

For more information on how The International State is developing its Web3-based direct democracy platform and to stay up-to-date with the roadmap, please visit the TWS website.

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Disclaimer: This is a paid post and should not be considered as news or advice.

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